Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pit Boss

I don't know if any of you have watched this on Animal Planet but it makes me ball like a baby everytime i watch it! These guys rescue Pit Bulls that people will fight or just don't take care of. I know there is such a sterotype on Pit Bulls, but i think it's definately on how you raise them. Anywho, i COULD NOT imagine anyone hurting my dogs, or how anybody could hurt any animal PERIOD. I think if i were to go into a profession it would definately be helping animals in some way :) Long story short, if you like shows that have happy endings, go watch it!!


Chelsie Jensen said...

Hey thanks for the comment you left me! It's nice knowing that I have people backing me up. If this one goes well maybe you and I can do it next year ha ha!

I just read your post about Jacob turning 18!! That is absolutely crazy. It really just seems like the other day when we were having sleep overs at your house and your mom taking us to Cathy Hall. Time sure goes so fast huh? And just think where we are now; married and mom's. I can't wait for your little one to get here. Hope all is going well for you guys :)

Whitney said...

Omg girl I am SO with you. Dog fighting is the SICKEST thing. I watched a documentary on it... I cringe thinking about it. It's DISGUSTING. I've always wanted to help animals too =).

Chelsie Jensen said...

So I just realized I put Jacob instead of Tyler woops! Sorry

Brandilyn said...

Its so crazy, i cannot believe he is 18. I remember when he was so little and would always want to hang out with us!! lol Everything is going good :) I can't wait for him to get here either, we are so excited. You will have to come over and see him when he comes!! Or even better we should start going to lunch or something!! :)