Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finally :)

We finally got internet!! Wahoo :) So that means that hopefully i will blog alot more often! I may not be as interesting as some of the other blogs, but i will definitely try :) Our lives have been pretty simple, Eric works and i stay home, pretty easy right? It's actually a little hard. I am up at my dad's probably 4 out of the 7 nights a week that eric works. He works for 2-12 for 2 weeks, and then off 1 week, and then 7-5 for 2 weeks and so on. The nights are definitely harder than days. It is so nice having help to put Aiden to bed, or even giving him a bath sometimes, but considering i get to stay home with my bubbas all day long, it's not that hard. We are also lucky that Eric has a good enough job that allows me too. He is starting school in the fall to get his generals, and then he wants to go into the medical field. It is going to be a long 8-9 years ahead of us, but i am so proud of him!! I am thinking about going back to work maybe 3 or 4 days a week just for a little extra money, and we are also thinking/hoping about going on a 7 day cruise in October, and i want to go SO BAD!!! I'm not sure exactly which one, but it's supposed to be one of the best ones :) It will definitely going to be hard to leave aiden that long, but will also be nice to have Eric all to myself for 7 days :) Speaking of Aiden, enough about us! Let's talk about our cute little man :)
I cannot believe how big he has gotten, it is definitely true when they say it goes by fast! I wouldn't take it back for a second tho, i have loved watching all the stages he has gone through and all the accomplishments he has made. There are so many things i never thought would make me so happy. When he first smiled, or his first tooth. Watching him pull a toy towards him or rolling over. Even him going poop after he hadn't for a while!! It is crazy how much joy he has brought into our lives. He is so fun at this stage and has the cutest personality. He has two teeth on the bottom, and can roll over both ways. He can't sit up by himself yet, but he is crawling already! Well he isn't off of his belly yet, but man can he move! I give it 2 more weeks and i am going to be child proofing my house! :)
He loves his daddy more than anything, and they can just sit there more hours laughing each other. He is a spitting image of him and that's the first thing people say is "he looks just like his daddy" Eric is such a good dad and they are going to be the best of friends :) I am so excited that i get to talk about him more and more, and i will try not to talk about him every time i blog, but i can't guarantee it :)
Night everyone!


Chelsie Jensen said...

Hooray!! Welcome back to the blogging world. I think any mom that has a blog and kids means the blog is mostly about the kids; so no worries if you blog all about Aiden. He is too cute not too! Love the pictures!

Peg said...

Glad you finally have the internet. Now you can post all the cute things about Aiden.

logcabins said...




Stan & Ash said...

So cute! Blog about him all you want! Hopefully you get to go on your cruise!

Michele and Wyatt said...

Aiden is getting so big. He is such a cutie. Hopefully we will get to see more pictures of him.